
TruckPro news
What Does the W Mean in Oil Grade?

What Does the "W" Mean in Oil Grade?

When maintaining a heavy-duty vehicle, choosing the right engine oil is essential to ensure optimal performance and long engine life. One of the most common questions owners and technicians have is about the meaning of the letter "W" in oil grades, such as the popular 15W40.
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TruckPro Celebrates 20 Years of Exceptional Service!

TruckPro Celebrates 20 Years of Exceptional Service!

This year, TruckPro marks a significant milestone by celebrating its 20th anniversary! For two decades, TruckPro has grown to become the largest service network for heavy-duty vehicles in Canada, with over 135 independent service centers across the country. This success is owed to the trust and loyalty of our customers, as well as the unwavering commitment of our teams.
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